Andrey Yao
I am a second year CS PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison working with Prof. Ethan Cecchetti. I am passionate about the theory behind programming languages, especially when applied to distributed computation and security. My current project focuses on designing novel language semantics for choreographic programming, an emerging paradigm for programming parallel processes with language-level guarantees like deadlock-freedom. I am also very interested in denotational semantics of programming languages using concepts from category theory and topology.
I earned my Bachelor’s degree in computer science and mathematics at Cornell University, where I did programming languages research with Prof. Alexandra Silva.
Attended the Midwest PL Summmit (MWPLS) at the Univerity of Chicago
The paper Detection of small holes by the scale-invariant robust density-aware distance (RDAD) filtration, which I contributed to as an undergrad, has just been published!
Started CS PhD at UW-Madison’s MadPL
De Bruijn indices for recursive functions
Published:Nameless representations for recursive functions
Categorical Semantics of Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
Published:The Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence